News and Updates


Public Information and Support

We’re always looking to involve our service users and their carer’s in shaping the services and support we offer them. One of the ways you can get involved is to join our co-production membership group and have your say to help improve services and the support we offer. There are many ways to get involved, for more details or to provide us with your valued feedback you can contact us by telephone or email, or visit our contact us page.

General Election 2024

Inclusion North have put together an easy read document which explains how you can vote in the general election on 4 July 2024. You can also view the video which also explains what the purpose of the general election is and how you can vote.



Domestic Abuse

We aim to ensure that where domestic abuse takes place in North Lincolnshire, those affected get the right service.

You can read the Domestic Abuse Strategy, North Lincolnshire for 2021 / 24

North Lincolnshire’s Domestic Abuse Strategy takes into account the further protections outlined in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and, how we work with partners to reduce domestic abuse in North Lincolnshire. Our priority is for people to feel safe and well in their homes and in their communities and sets out our priorities and areas of focus. These include:

  • early identification and early help
  • safety and support
  • working in partnership

These ‘shine a light’ areas of focus are underpinned by workforce development, voice and engagement.

The strategy responds to:

  • adults and young people (16 and 17 years old) who are experiencing domestic abuse
  • children who see, hear or experience domestic abuse
  • those who are perpetrating domestic abuse

It responds to domestic abuse in the context of:

  • abuse between people personally connected to each other
  • abuse which continues after a relationship has ended (which is known to be a time of heightened risk for victims and children, and a time when children are often used by a perpetrator to continue the abuse)
  • forced marriage, so-called ‘honour-based abuse’ and other forms of violence against victims that are linked to domestic abuse such as female genital mutilation.

If you have any views on the content of this strategy, please get in touch with us on

The Domestic Abuse Partnership are working together to reduce domestic abuse in North Lincolnshire. Our partners include:

  • Specialist Domestic Abuse Providers
  • Humberside Police and the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner
  • Housing and Health Bodies



Domestic Abuse Act 2021

There was a major legal development in Domestic Abuse legislation that was passed into law in April 2021. The changes raised the profile of Domestic Abuse on the political agenda and added to the toolset of all practitioners working in a multi-agency forum to protect child and adult victims of Domestic Abuse. The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 outlines further protections to the millions of people who experience domestic abuse, as well as strengthen measures to tackle perpetrators. You can access the Home Office Domestic Abuse Statutory Guidance on the Gov.UK website.

The law now:

  • extends the controlling or coercive behaviour offence to cover post-separation abuse
  • recognise children as victims if they see, hear or experience the effects of abuse (as well as if they are directly physically or emotionally harmed because of treatment directed to them)
  • establishes in law the office of Domestic Abuse Commissioner and set out the Commissioner’s functions and powers
  • places a duty on local authorities in England to provide support to victims of Domestic Abuse and their children in refuges and other safe accommodation
  • provides that all eligible homeless victims of Domestic Abuse automatically have ‘priority need’ for homelessness assistance
  • places the guidance supporting the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (“Clare’s law”) on a statutory legal footing

The Home Office have updated their factsheets on the Domestic Abuse Act which provide information about the provisions of the Act. Read the Domestic Abuse Statutory Guidance

Domestic Abuse Bill 2021: factsheets



Local Support Numbers in North Lincolnshire. If you are in immediate danger, phone 999. If the situation is not an emergency, but you still need the police, call 101 or contact The Blue Door.


Domestic Abuse Specialist- The Blue Door


The Blue Door are a specialist service who provide support and advise to anyone that is / has experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence in North and North East Lincolnshire. They aim to ensure that where domestic abuse takes place, all those affected get the right service. Contact details below.

The Blue Door
Laneham Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6LJ

Helpline: 0800 197 4787

Office: (01724) 841 947


In an emergency dial 999



If safe to do so …  dial 999 and ask for the Police

Not safe to speak?

You can make silent calls to the police if you are not safe to speak – use the Silent Solution system and call 999 and press 55 when prompted.

Emergency Text Service

Emergency Text Service: If you feel in danger and can’t use a voice phone, you can register with the police text service – text REGISTER to 999.  You will get a text back that tells you what to do next.  Only do this when you feel safer, but you can raise that you are in danger by a text. Find out more.

Out and About?

Ask for ANI:If you are experiencing domestic abuse and need immediate help, you can go into a participating pharmacy and ask for ‘ANI’ to the staff member who will know you need immediate help. ‘ANI’ stands for Action Needed Immediately but also phonetically sounds like the name Annie. If a pharmacy has the ‘Ask for ANI’ logo on display, it means they’re ready to help. They will offer you a private space, provide a phone and ask if you need support from the police or other domestic abuse support services.

WEPROTECT App: This instant victim referral app, is a tool that is available to all domestic abuse victims, and accessible to all Humberside’s front line officers to ensure that they can offer instant access to civil legal support and protection for those needing it most. You can find out more about this App on the Domestic Abuse Alliance website.

HollieGuard App,  Every five seconds the platform will update your precise location based on your speed and movement activity to identify where you are once an alert has been raised. Watch this video which explains why it was developed, the HollieGuard is a personal alarm, deterrent, evidence catcher and more. This app is for absolutely anyone who has safety in mind.


Domestic Abuse and Violence

Domestic abuse and violence are very often repeated behaviours. It can be random, and it is the habitual use of intimidation to control another person. This is usually a partner, ex-partner or other family member. It is most commonly committed within the home, but tactics can be used out in public.

Violence is the physical assault on another person. But abuse can take many forms – emotional, psychological, financial, sexual. And within a relationship, there can be a combination of some or all of these. Domestic abuse and violence can affect anyone in a close relationship, regardless of their sexuality. Although domestic violence is most experienced by women and perpetrated by men, men can also be victims.

If you are a victim, then it is important to remember that you are not to blame. Domestic abuse is a crime but taking action against a partner/ex-partner or family member can be hard. There are local and national organisations that will support you through this difficult time.

Abuse can increase when a person leaves or has recently left an abusive partner. Please seek advice from The Blue Door if you are considering leaving.


Re:Form – Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme

Reforming behaviours – re-forming relationships. The Re:Form programme is a based on motivational, experiential approaches, as recommended by Respect. The primary aim is to manage risk to victims and families, increase safety, and reduce incidents and improving outcomes around perpetrators being able to sustain non-abusive behaviour. To find out more about this programme referrers can read this information and guidance leaflet.


MAPPA is the set of arrangements through which the police, probation and prison services work together with other agencies to manage the risks posed by violent and sexual offenders living in the community. This includes offenders who are considered to pose a risk, or potential risk of harm to children.

For more information, please visit the MAPPA information on Gov.UK

The Humberside Area Strategic Management Board

The Humberside Area Strategic Management Board includes lead officers from the police, probation and prison services, representatives from a number of agencies with a “duty to cooperate” and lay advisors.

In North Lincolnshire, the strategic management board meets quarterly to:

  • Oversee the work of the MAPPA and manage performance
  • Review and monitor the effectiveness of arrangements
  • Receive referrals on individual offenders that commit serious violent or sexual offences
  • Ensure independent review of management of risks
  • Determine whether local strategic reviews form part of statutory review
  • Define any necessary revision to arrangements
  • Act as final arbiter where local MAPPA fails to agree on issues concerning offenders who are subject to management in the community.


The Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference is a regular meeting where agencies from North Lincolnshire discuss high risk domestic abuse cases, and together develop a safety plan for the victim and his or her children. Agencies taking part can include Police, Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs), Adult Services, Children’s Services, Health Visitors and GPs, amongst others.

Why am I being discussed at MARAC?

If you have disclosed information about domestic abuse, be it physical, emotional, sexual or psychological abuse to a professional, and they have determined that you are at high risk of further or increased harm, they can complete a referral to MARAC. The professional may have asked you a set of questions called a risk assessment in order to make this determination.

Can I refuse permission for my case to be discussed?

You will be asked if you are happy for your information to be shared at MARAC. However, even if you are not happy with this, the MARAC agencies do have authority to share information without your consent where there are serious concerns for your safety. Our priority is to safeguard you and your children.

How will the MARAC help me and my children?

If the agency that you are working with has suggested that your case should be discussed at a MARAC, it is because he or she believes you could be at risk of future serious harm due to domestic abuse.  Once they have made a referral to MARAC, an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) will contact you to discuss immediate safety planning and how they can support you through the MARAC process.

At the MARAC agency representatives will work together to provide you with services that meet your needs, and where necessary, those of your children.  They will also agree a safety plan to assist in aiming to keep you and your family safer.

Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs)

North Lincolnshire has an IDVA service called The Blue Door. This service:

  • is for women and men living in North Lincolnshire who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse, sexual abuse or violence
  • offers support to all the service users of all risk levels
  • provides risk assessment, safety planning and support to service users
  • provides service users with their options, for example housing; criminal and civil options; support service users who have to appear in court as witnesses
  • represents service users at North Lincolnshire MARAC by representing their views during the meeting

How can I refer cases to a MARAC?

Any agency can refer a case to MARAC if they have assessed a client as high risk. The referral should take place as soon as possible.

Once a referral to MARAC is received by the coordinator, an automatic referral to The Blue Door specialist domestic abuse support service is made. Once The Blue Door Service Manager is aware that a new referral has been received, an IDVA will be allocated to the case and contact with the victim will be sought within the next 48 hours.

When agencies make a referral into MARAC, they MUST also consider any children that are involved with the case (victim, perpetrator or listed children), and either share information with the Single Access Point at Children’s Services on 01724 297000 or make an immediate referral in.

SafeLives also have some useful toolkits designed to help various agencies who sit on MARAC.


All information shared and discussed at the MARAC meetings is confidential.  Every organisation who attends these multi agency conferences must sign the confidentiality agreement before the meeting begins.

The MARAC will respect the victim’s right to privacy and confidentiality.  Any information resulting from the meeting will be kept secure and not shared with the perpetrator.

Any decision to disclose information at the MARAC must be necessary, justified and proportionate to risks identified.


Training for professionals is available through The Blue Door, or in-house for your agency by contacting the MARAC Coordinator.



Domestic Abuse: How to get help

This easy read how to get help leaflet from GOV.UK   has lots of information if English is not your first language, you can’t speak, if you are deaf and what you can do if you find yourself in various situations.

The Refuge

The Refuge provides specialist support to women, children and some men escaping domestic abuse. Domestic abuse is the biggest issue affecting one in four women and around 800,000 children every year in the UK.

Refuge partnered with Picturehouse to raise awareness on this dangerous life and death issue. This powerful 60 second short film – Hide and Seek runs across cinemas nationwide. The film also raises awareness of the life-saving and life-changing support Refuge provides and shows how Refuge can help build back your life.

For help you can contact North Lincolnshire Refuge on 01724 289299.

In an emergency call 999

Freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0808 2000 247

or visit (access live chat Mon-Fri 3-10pm)


You can watch the short film Hide & Seek just visit the National Refuge website.


Coercive Control

Most people understand that some forms of domestic abuse can be physical, verbal or both. There’s a more subtle type of abusive behaviour that’s equally harmful which is coercive or controlling behaviour which is now a crime.

Coercive Control is a form of abuse, as set out in Section 1 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 it is a strategic form of ongoing oppression and comments that are used to instil fear. The abuser will use tactics, such as limiting access to money or monitoring all communication, as a controlling effort, this usually starts of subtle but then intensifies as the relationship progresses.

Section 76 of the Serious Crime Act 2015 provides for the offence of controlling or coercive behaviour, where the perpetrator and the victim are personally connected. Under the current legislation personally connected means intimate partners, or former intimate partners or family members who live together.

The amendment to the legislation removes the co-habitation requirement, ensuring that post-separation abuse and familial domestic abuse is provided for when the victim and perpetrator do not live together.

“Controlling or coercive behaviour is an insidious form of domestic abuse, and we are committed to ensuring all victims are protected. We recognise that coercive or controlling behaviours may escalate following separation, and that members of a victim’s extended family may be involved in control or coercion”.

Victoria Atkins MP, Minister for Safeguarding, Written Ministerial Statement, 1st March 2021

There is a website developed by which is dedicated for social workers and other health and social care practitioners to allow them to increase their knowledge and skills when working with situations involving coercive control.



The polices definition of stalking is that stalking is like harassment, but it’s more aggressive. The stalker will have an obsession with the person they’re targeting.

Someone you know could be stalking you; an ex partner or a person you were friends with, or it might be a stranger. If it’s someone you know, or knew, it doesn’t mean that it’s your fault; it’s still stalking and it’s an offence.

Stalking may include:

  • regularly following someone
  • repeatedly going uninvited to their home
  • checking someone’s internet use, email or other electronic communication
  • hanging around somewhere they know the person often visits
  • interfering with their property
  • watching or spying on someone
  • identity theft (signing-up to services, buying things in someone’s name)

It’s stalking if the unwanted behaviour has happened more than once.

The four warning signs of stalking

If the behaviour you’re experiencing is:


If you believe you are a victim of stalking visit these useful websites:

National Stalking Helpline 

Protection against Stalking

Paladin – National Stalking Advocacy Service

Online stalking and harassment

Social networking sites, chat rooms, gaming sites and other forums are often used to stalk and harass someone, for example:

  • to get personal information
  • to communicate (calls, texts, emails, social media, creating fake accounts)
  • damaging the reputation
  • spamming and sending viruses
  • tricking other internet users into harassing or threatening
  • identity theft
  • threats to share private information, photographs, copies of messages



Honour Based Abuse

In the UK it is illegal to abuse or harm anyone for cultural reasons or reasons of family honour, whether they are a member of the same family or not. For example, it is illegal to punish another family member for what someone considers to be dishonourable behaviour. There are men and women in the UK who have been convicted and sent to prison for harming family members for reasons of honour.

If you are worried about honour-based abuse / violence you can speak to the police. You can also get confidential advice from an organisation called Karma Nirvana on 0800 5999 247



Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) also known as cutting or female circumcision is illegal in the UK. Practising FGM or taking a girl or woman abroad for FGM is a criminal offence punishable by law.

If you are a victim of FGM, you need to speak with your doctor. There are doctors who specialise in helping FGM victims. You can also ask for advice from one of several national organisations, such as the NSPCC on 0800 028 3550.

Children who are worried that they are in danger of FGM can speak to police, teachers, social workers, or Childline on 0800 1111.


White Ribbon Campaign

North Lincolnshire Council is a White Ribbon accredited organisation. So, what does that mean…

White Ribbon UK is the leading charity engaging with men and boys to end violence against women, and North Lincolnshire Council support the campaign. White Ribbon Day is 25th November when thousands of people take action and raise awareness to prevent violence before it starts. Wear your white ribbon to show support, especially around the awareness day each year in November.

White Ribbon UK was instrumental as a voluntary sector organisation who contributed to the development of the new national communications campaign – ‘Enough’ – launched by the Home Secretary on 1 March 2022

Join the growing number of organisations who are becoming a White Ribbon supporter by registering.



Love Shouldn’t Hurt – Domestic Abuse Campaign



On Valentine’s Day, the majority of people in relationships enjoyed celebrating their love for each other, but for many this isn’t a time for being romantic. People suffering domestic abuse, stalking and harassment may have reasons to fear an increase in abusive behaviour at this time.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Humberside ran a media campaign aimed at preventing domestic abuse. The messages were developed with professionals working in support services and target those who commit abuse to encourage them to face up to the damage caused by their actions and seek help to change, in addition to supporting those affected by abusive behaviour.




Two websites now carry details of services available. – help for people affected by domestic abuse and – getting help to change your abusive behaviour.


The Blue Door are a specialist service who provide support and advise, you can contact them as a walk in, telephone or email – the details are below:

The Blue Door
Laneham Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6LJ

Helpline: 0800 197 4787

Office: (01724) 841 947


If in immediate danger call 999.


Summer Holidays – Domestic Abuse Campaign

Summer should be filled with fun, NOT FEAR Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison said: “Domestic Abuse affects people of all ages and from all sectors of society, there is no one common factor that makes people commit violence and abuse against their partner but all abuse damages lives. It also affects any children in a relationship and, for those involved, it becomes a vicious cycle which is hard to break free from.

“We know that incidents can increase over the summer months as families spend more time together. Once again, we are highlighting the local support services available for anyone affected by abusive behaviour and I hope this will help them to escape the cycle of abuse and find a better life. Help is out there; you are not alone.”

Two websites now carry details of services available  – help for people affected by domestic abuse and – getting help to change your abusive behaviour.



The Blue Door are a specialist service who provide support and advise, you can contact them as a walk in, telephone or email – the details are below:

The Blue Door
Laneham Street
North Lincolnshire
DN15 6LJ

Helpline: 0800 197 4787

Office: (01724) 841 947


If in immediate danger call 999.


Useful Information



Affected by a suicide?

Mind have a new ‘Together service’ which is available to support local people who have been bereaved by suicide or suspected suicide across North Lincolnshire, North- East Lincolnshire, Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire.

Contact: Mind North Lincolnshire who can provide emotional and practical support for individuals of any age.

You can access more information on one-to-one support, by contacting Mind:

Telephone 24/7 to the Information line: 01482 240133


You can also text – 07520 633447.

£5 Million launched to support suicide prevention services – The Department of Health and Social care released a press statement on 26 November 2021 outlining the plan to release funds to help meet the increased demand on suicide prevention charities. For more information visit 


Free Mental Health Support contact numbers

Mental health support…

Most of us will either know someone or, we will have experienced mental health problems ourselves at some point in our lives.

Mental health problems could be stress, anxiety, depression or something else – but the important thing to remember is that you are not alone. Support is out there for you, have a look at all the available support on North Lincolnshire’s NHS website.

The Government has committed to making mental health services more effective and accessible. You can view the Gov.UK mental health reform policies.



Live Well North Lincolnshire is a one-stop place for residents and visitors to find a wide range of organisations; support groups, community groups, events and activities that can help improve their health and wellbeing.

The directory is a joint initiative between North Lincolnshire Council, the North Lincolnshire Integrated Care Services (NLICS) and other partners from across the public, voluntary and community sector with an interest in improving community wellbeing in North Lincolnshire. You can contact the team or register as a service provider.


For more information on activities and programmes available in North Lincolnshire click on the links below.

Keeping Active – North Lincolnshire Council

Health Programmes – North Lincolnshire Council

Libraries in North Lincolnshire – North Lincolnshire Council

Active Communities – North Lincolnshire Council



Support for Care Leavers

North Lincolnshire are extending the support to care leavers so they can live successful and independent lives. North Lincolnshire Council is increasing the offer of support and advice beyond the age of 25. Read the full story.


The National Autistic Society provide expert advice and guidance on a range of issues affecting people with autism and their families. They are committed to transforming lives and changing attitudes, take a look at the National Autistic Society website. 

What is autism?

Autism affects one in 1oo people, you can find out more about this lifelong developmental disability.


Please click on the links below for more information, training and easy read briefings.


Easy Read – Making social care more accessible for adults with autism

Easy Read – Autism Statutory Guidance

UK.Gov National Strategy for autistic children, young people and adults: 2021 – 2026

Support service for autistic people, 13 and over | Autism Support Service | Matthews Hub

Humber TCP – The Humber Transforming Care Partnership 

Humber TCP Training – Autism and Access to Primary Care

Autism (

 Mental Capacity Act 2005 ( explains that someone may have capacity to make decisions about some things and not others. For example, they may be able to make a decision about what they would like to eat and wear but not about where they would like to live. If the person lacks mental capacity to make a specific decision, then it must be made in their ‘best interests’ taking into account the persons wishes, feelings, beliefs and values.



Experts Together LogoExperts Together – Safeguarding Together Conference 2023

We are very pleased to present the presentations and recordings from our Safeguarding Conference 2023. The agenda for the day was very interactive and the feedback following the event was extremely positive.

The North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board conference 2023 was planned and presented in partnership with people who have a lived experience and carers. The conference took place at The Baths Hall, Scunthorpe on 23 February 2023.

Experts Together Partnership Group

The title of the conference was chosen to emphasise the importance of adult safeguarding being done ‘with’ and not ‘to’ people – and to ensure that people with care and support needs, and carers are seen as experts in their own lives. The experts developed the workforce tool, you can see how they were involved in this video. The conference was also an opportunity to launch the new Strategic Plan and share the newly developed Workforce Tool.     Click to view an images video of the conference.


Darren Johnson
Darren Johnson – Our Compare  – Darren Johnson did a fantastic job of guiding us through the agenda for the day, bringing our programme to life. You might also recognise Darren as our very popular Pantomime Dame – Annie Fanny


Photo Starlight Arts


Starlight Arts – The Importance of Communication – Starlight Arts outlined the importance of communication in this presentation and shared their real life experiences, emphasising the importance of communication. The group taught the audience some basic Makaton signs and encouraged participation during their songs.

My Story’ – A Lived Experience of Adult Safeguarding & Self-Neglect – There was an individual who wanted to share their experience of self-neglect and safeguarding to help professionals understand what it was like for her. This is her story in her own words read by an actor.


Photo Kathy Clark
Kathy Clark – Opening Address – The opening address was delivered by Kathy Clark the Independent Chair of the North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board, Kathy has extensive experience working with vulnerable adults having worked within local government for over 40 years.




Paul Hatchman – A Partnership Approach to Managing Risk – Paul has a wealth of experience of Safeguarding Adults, having worked in various roles during his 30 years of practice. In Pauls role as North Lincolnshire Principal Social Worker for Adults he delivered a presentation on a partnership approach to managing risk




Professor Michael Preston-Shoot
Professor Michael Preston-Shoot – Learning from Reviews – Michael Preston-Shoot is Professor (Emeritus) Social Work at the University of Bedfordshire, England. Although Professor Preston-Shoot could not attend the conference in person, he was very impressed with the work being undertaken within North Lincolnshire with the experts by experience group on co-developing policies, workforce tools and conferences with the view to      improve practice. Due to this he felt drawn to virtually deliver a presentation –  ‘Learning from Reviews’. 



Campbell McNeill

Campbell McNeill – A Carers Experience of Safeguarding – Campbell works on the agenda to support unpaid carers within the NHS England’s North East & Yorkshire Region,  his background as a psychiatric nurse (24-years working mainly working with people with substance misuse issues) and his clinical experience in this field, is when he became aware of the significant support that unpaid carers provide to the system.

Campbell introduced a video by people with a lived experience of what its like to be an unpaid carer in North Lincolnshire , he then delivered a presentation on  a carers experience of safeguarding


Karen Pavey – Closing Address – Karen  closed the conference. Karen’s role is to ensure the delivery of good outcomes for Adult Social Care Services enabling people to be safe and well to live fulfilled lives as independently as possible and keep people in their own homes, families, jobs & communities. Karen continues to work with the Citizen Partnership groups to hear the voice of people with lived experience to shape the services and strategies    of health and social care across North Lincolnshire.

The Experts – presented some ‘Pearls of Wisdom’  so that professionals could take these away with them.
Questions & Answers by professional for the ‘Experts by Experience’ Group.
A selection of photos from the conference can be viewed below, for more photos visit the photo gallery.




Conference 2020Listen to me and Hear my Voice Trailer

Listen to me and hear my voice!

We are very pleased to present the recordings from our Safeguarding Conference – “Listen to me and hear my voice!”

The conference took place as a virtual event on 11 November 2020. It was co-produced and presented by a group of adults with lived experience and professionals from partner organisations.

The group of adults have also produced three guides for professionals based on the key themes of the conference which are available below.


We hope you enjoy the conference videos!

You can also view the conference poster , which outlines the key focus for the day.

Thank you to all those who attended the conference and completed the feedback survey.  The responses have been overwhelmingly positive – here you can view the SAB Conference feedback presentation

Hear our Voices – Coronavirus poem by Service Users

A group of vulnerable adults with lived experience have worked together and written an uplifting poem, paying tribute to the community spirit during the coronavirus outbreak.

The group were inspired by the ‘Do One Thing’ community response, which highlighted our fantastic community spirit and some of the wonderful acts of kindness which have been seen from people across North Lincolnshire. Have a listen to this inspirational poem below.

In 2018 North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board invited John Trevains, from NHS England to the Annual Conference to speak about the LeDeR programme.  View the LeDeR – Premature mortality and Safeguarding – John Trevains (NHS England) presentation.

You can view the LeDeR annual report 2018

There are a number of useful links and resources available for professionals and families relating to Learning Disabilities.

In June 2019 NLSAB members participated in a Learning Disabilities themed development session, linking Learning Disabilities Week (17 – 23 June 2019), the publication of LeDeR Annual Report and the BBC Panorama documentary relating to Whorlton Hall, Hospital, County Durham.

Whorlton Hall, Hospital, County Durham – North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adult Board Presentation


Seriously Good Safeguarding 2018 Conference!

“What does safeguarding mean to me?”

We centred the 2018 annual conference around an ‘Appreciate Inquiry model’ and approach and looked at ‘Seriously Good Safeguarding Practice’.

Joel Cooper, guest illustrator, joined us and helped us to visualise the key themes and learning from the day

Take a look at the fantastic artwork from the day Illustration 1 Illustration 2

You can view our ‘What does Safeguarding mean to me?’  YouTube video below.


We received some wonderful feedback from delegates such as:

  • “What an amazing day, everything was so relevant, the video was just perfect, and the workshops were so informative and enjoyable”
  • “Thought provoking, well managed and excellent speakers.  Well done”
  • “Found the day very informative on future plans and what we have done so far.  All the guest speakers provided good subject matter. Good opportunity to network”

Safeguarding Adults Board Conference Evaluation full report.


Presentations on the day.


Useful links – The guest speakers offered up a number of useful links to websites and resources:


Our work with RiPfA

In 2018 we teamed up with RiPfA on a project to look at how North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board can move towards an Appreciative Inquiry approach of working and learning.

Partners were encouraged to share good safeguarding practice and positive learning through case studies, we also visited service users and community forums to gain their insight and experiences of safeguarding.

RiPfA attended the 2018 Annual Conference and worked with delegates to identify ‘What Success Would Look Like’.

All of the case studies, interviews, workshops, visual interpretations and discussions have culminated in three reports (staff briefing, executive summary and the full report) and a number of recommendations which we included in our Strategic Plan 2019 – 2022.

RiPfA AI SAB Staff Briefing

What next?…

The Safeguarding Adults Board Prevention & Proportionality group have produced an Appreciative Inquiry prompt to promote the continuation of good practice in safeguarding adults in North Lincolnshire.


We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the fantastic piece of work on the topic – ‘What does Safeguarding mean to me?’

We showcased the video at our annual conference on 5 October 2018 where it received an overwhelming amount of praise. You can view questions that attendees asked the presenters, and the answers that they gave at the Safeguarding Conference 2018 – Questions and Answers.



Important documents

If you would like to report a Safeguarding concern, you can visit the ‘Report Concern‘ page on this website. Alternatively, you can use this easy read – Tell someone and be safe referral form and submit an electronic referral by emailing the team at

Professional’s can complete this online referral form. 

North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board have also produced a ‘Your Safeguarding’ leaflet that is easy to read and explains:

  1. The Safeguarding enquiry processes.
  2. Who is leading on the enquiry.
  3. How to contact the team.


You can view all the North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board key documents.



Making Safeguarding Personal,

Developing a safeguarding culture that focuses on the personalised outcomes for people with care and support needs who may have been abused is a key operational and strategic goal. This is about putting the adult at the centre of everything during a safeguarding enquiry, from the beginning of the process / concern to the very end. It engages the adult in conversation about how best to respond to their safeguarding situation in a way that enhances, involvement, choice and control as well as improving quality of life, well-being and safety.

Making Safeguarding Personal is about seeing people as experts in their own lives and working alongside them.

If you are not sure whether you can get an advocate, or for more information, advice and support in your area, please contact us on 0300 456 2370 or email


Keeping Safe Online – e-safety

The majority of people enjoy accessing the internet whether for connecting with long distance friends and relatives, for the ease of online shopping or to access information and advice from your home or while out and about.

There are, however, a number of risks that come from using the internet and social media such as;

  • fraud
  • identity theft
  • cyberbullying
  • grooming

We can protect ourselves from these risks in the following ways:

  • Never – give out private details to anyone you don’t know – especially in chatrooms or forums where it can be viewed by anyone
  • Avoid – publishing identifiable information, such as your birthday, address or phone number
  • Never – agree to let websites save sensitive information, such as bank card details
  • Use strong passwords – with numbers and symbols
  • Never – open email attachments from anyone you don’t know
  • Be aware – of fake friend requests and posts or emails inviting you to visit other pages or websites.
  • Keep up-to-date – anti-virus, spyware, adware and ransomware software on your devices
  • Keep – an up-to-date firewall on your device
  • Only let your friends – view social media posts by using appropriate privacy features
  • Avoid meeting – someone you have met online, do not meet them in person – you never know who they really are. If you do decide to meet them, arrange to meet in a very public place and bring a friend along.
  • Never – reveal private information on unsecured Wi-Fi networks
  • Never – share sexually explicit content with people online – even if you think it’s being shared privately.

Get safe online can provide advice and information on how to protect yourself and your family online.



Safeguarding adults in care homes – Creating a Safeguarding Culture. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance. Safeguarding adults in care homes means protecting their right to live in safety and acting to prevent abuse and neglect. Working together to achieve this is everyone’s responsibility. This guidance is for registered managers of care homes and professionals to encourage open conversations about safeguarding, and where suspected or alleged abuse and neglect can be readily reported, will be well placed to prevent incidents and respond effectively, as safeguarding in care homes is also part of the Making Safeguarding Personal framework.


Choosing the right care home for your loved ones can be daunting.  Here you can find a wealth of information, advice and support to help you make the right decision for your family member.


Which? has a range of information, advice and links:


North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board have produced some learning briefings in relation to the following:



Safeguarding and COVID-19

You can also access other COVID-19 information on our website on the tabs below. Take a look at this easy read version of the COVID-19 winter plan.

The importance of ventilation to reduce the spread of COVID-19

The recommendations around ‘Hands. Face. Space. Ventilation’ remain important measures to consider as simple but vital behaviours that have the power to protect the public from both the short and potential long-term impact of coronavirus. You can get all the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) information at GOV.UK

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to change the way we live our lives and interact with each other but safeguarding remains as much of a priority as it always has, and we all have a role to play.

We will endeavour to include information on this website which may be helpful to you or someone else. It is important that we all come together to support and protect those who are most vulnerable.

If you have concerns about yourself, your neighbour or someone in your community, please see our list of resources below that can support you.

If you are concerned about an adult with care and support needs, or a child, who is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect, you should continue to raise your concerns through the usual reporting channels within the ‘Reporting abuse’ page on this website. For all the latest information visit the official UK government website to access data and insights on coronavirus (COVID-19).

COVID-19 Easy Read Resources

There are also a number of easy read posters and leaflets which can be accessed from the links below: