Tools and resources

Multi-agency training is co-developed with partners and adults with lived experience to help practitioners, care providers and volunteers to understand their roles, responsibilities and safeguarding procedures; which creates a shared understanding of assessment and decision making practices. Training can be face to face, online or a combination of both.

The learning from practice resources look at the outcomes from a range of SARs, reviews and audits both locally and nationally, and how we can use these valuable lessons to improve our practice.


Hoarding Disorder – support


Care Providers – Learning Resources



Easy Read documents

If you would like to report a Safeguarding Concern you can download Easy read – Tell someone and be safe referral form and submit an electronic referral by emailing the team at


The North Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Toolkit  is aimed at multi-agency practitioners working with children, young people, families and vulnerable people who may be or are living with domestic abuse in North Lincolnshire. It is supplementary to the Children’s Multi-Agency Resilience and Safeguarding (MARS) Board and Local Safeguarding Adults Board Policies and Procedures.

This toolkit outlines:

  •  the definition of domestic abuse
  •  signs and indicators of domestic abuse and coercive control
  • how professionals can facilitate disclosure through making safe enquiries at the earliest point
  • the Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Harassment, Honour Based Abuse DASH ‘Risk Indicator Checklist’ (called the DASH) when assessing a victim’s level of risk
  • Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) criteria
  • how professionals should respond to an adult or child / young person victim of domestic abuse
  • local specialist domestic abuse support services available and how to make a referral
  • how to make a referral to statutory services
  • how professionals should respond to perpetrators of domestic abuse
  • Multi-Agency Tasking and Coordination (MATAC) meeting
  • Re:Form non-convicted perpetrator programme
  • legal orders
  • other help, advice and support agencies
  • further reading

It includes practice guidance when working with victims, children and perpetrators. It covers safety planning advice and links to a range of local and national help and support agencies.