Q. Contact details for Partnership and Empowerment subgroup.
A. Please email: safeguardingadultsboard@northlincs.gov.uk
Q. How long has SAB been going in North Lincolnshire?
A. The Care Act introduced the statutory duty for local authorities in 2014. The Care Act 2014 sets out a clear legal framework for how local authorities and other parts of the system should protect adults at risk of abuse or neglect. Local authorities have safeguarding duties. They must:
- lead a multi-agency local adult safeguarding system that seeks to prevent abuse and neglect and stop it quickly when it happens. You can access the Gov.UK easy read Care Act 2014.
Q. Would it help if your supporter knew how to sign in Makaton to you?
A. We feel this should be on a case-to-case basis as it may not be for everyone. The essentials would be good to know though such as, hello, thank you, toilet, help etc.…
Q. Do you feel listened to?
A. Yes, we feel people with lived experiences are now being listened to … The Pledge had lots of organisations who signed up, there has been lots of positive changes in the last year. There are approx. 30 individuals now who attend the experts.
Q. Why is Makaton not taught in schools, even the basics?
A. Some schools do use Makaton especially within or Special Educational Needs schools.
Q. Do the experts by experience think Makaton training should be compulsory in when working with adults with care and support needs.
A. Yes we do.
Q. How can we ensure we communicate effectively with the people we support?
A. learning from Starlight Arts presentation and the workforce tool we developed.
Q. Are the presentations available to access later?
A. Yes, they are on the SAB website. North Lincs SAB | News and Resources – North Lincs SAB
Q. Do you think healthcare professionals such as GPs, dentists, other doctors / nurses understand your communication needs? Do you think more training is needed?
A. When we sometimes meet with professionals, they don’t speak to us they speak to our, parent or carer. The assumptions are made from the initial meeting that we can’t communicate.
Questions were asked regarding Makaton:
- Where would we get training for Makaton?
- How do we learn how to ask for help, assistance in Makaton?
- Where is the best place to learn Makaton please?
What is Makaton?
Makaton is the UK’s leading programme for adults and children with learning or communication difficulties. It is a language programme that combine signs, symbols, and speech to give different options for people to communicate. You can find out more information on the Mencap website. Makaton | Mencap
Rachel Downs is the lady that delivers Makaton sessions to Starlight Arts she is a qualified Makaton tutor with over 11 years’ experience in teaching mainly within special education schools.
Rachel delivers Makaton training on zoom (online) and face to face. You can contact Rachel on:
downs.stuart@sky.com | Rachel Downs – Makaton Training | Facebook | Display event – Level 1 workshop (makaton.org)