Contact us


To report abuse or discuss a concern please contact:

The Safeguarding Adults Team
Church Square House
30-40 High St
DN15 6NL

Telephone: 01724 297000



North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board

Church Square House
30-40 High St
DN15 6NL

Telephone: 01724 297000


Please do not contact us for advice on a safeguarding concern or to report abuse.

Please contact the for this purpose.


If you are an adult with care and support needs or you provide support to an adult, and have received any service from the safeguarding adults team, please let us know how you found the experience by clicking on the tab below and completing the online feedback form.

To leave feedback on the services you have received from the Safeguarding Adults Team, you can click on the tab below and complete the correct form, or scan the QR code which will take you to the form.


Please select the feedback form that best suits your situation, from the forms below.


For adults with a lived experience.